Take signal strength readings (RSSI in dBm) at different locations, making sure to measure at various distances in front and behind the wall.
To calculate the signal loss caused by the wall:
This will give you the basic signal loss between front and back of the wall.
To normalize the attenuation by factoring in free space loss:
This will give you the signal loss caused by the wall, normalized for free space.
For additional measurements behind the wall, use the following formulas to calculate attenuation at different distances:
To normalize attenuation for these additional readings behind the wall:
Options for Combining the Attenuation Results:
- If you are certain in the reflection chosen for your customer material, the use the following formula:Afinal = 0.5⋅Awall + 0.3⋅Awall_1m + 0.2⋅Awall_2m
This method works well for real-world conditions where signal loss isn't uniform.
- If the reflection value is an approximate guess, you might want to blend attenuation effects at 1m behind the wall for a more stable result:Afinal = 0.7⋅Awall+0.3⋅Awall_1m
✔ Take multiple readings at each point and average them for better accuracy.
✔ Measure at the same height at all points to avoid discrepancies due to vertical angle.
✔ Ensure a clear line of sight between the AP and measurement points to avoid reflections.
✔ Use the same frequency band and channel for consistency in signal loss calculation.
✔ Avoid interference from other Wi-Fi devices by conducting the survey in less crowded times.