These are some files you may need when moving the application or sharing your projects with colleagues:
ApAlias.txt: list of custom AP names. It is modified after you exit TamoGraph if you renamed any APs manually. You can also populate the list of MAC addresses and corresponding custom AP names before a survey or before reporting instead of renaming each AP manually, if needed (make sure TamoGraph is not running).
ApBlackList.txt: APs which signal should be ignored during passive surveys. For example, if your smartphone might act as an AP for your laptop, you don't need its signal in your projects :)
ApLinked.txt: list of MAC addresses that belong to the same physical AP. Also works both ways: keeps what you entered manually in TamoGraph, and also can be used to link Multi-SSID/Multi-MAC APs. This affects the SIR calculations: if several radios on the same channel are linked into Multi-SSID/Multi-MAC AP, they won't be considered as an interference to each other. This is for passive surveys.
Applications.user: custom applications defined for clients types in coverage areas (RF Modeling)
areas.user: custom attenuation areas (RF Modeling)
clients.user: custom client devices (RF Modeling)
floor_ceiling.user: custom floor/ceiling materials (RF Modeling)
obstructions.user: custom walls and doors
stations.user: custom AP Presets (include antenna information + AP-specific values of band, rate, power, etc.)
Those files can be used both in Windows and in macOS version of TamoGraph, they are located in Windows:
"C:\ProgramData\TamoSoft\TamoGraph Site Survey"
/Users/[Username]/Library/Application Support/TamoGraph